Achieve more.

Drive Continuous Performance Improvement

In part 3 of our 3-part Performance Improvement Series, this educational guide highlights how actionable insights drive continuous performance improvement, propelling your member-centric organization forward to deliver unparalleled member value.

In this guide, you'll learn how to:

  • Identify the critical components of your digital transformation plan when evaluating potential new systems
  • Establish a Single Source of Truth (SSoT)*
  • Define and map out your member journey
  • Assess your learning organization's success 

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How are you capturing and leveraging data?

From joining, onboarding, continuing education, events, purchases, renewals, and beyond, capturing data at every single touchpoint is key.

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What is your digital transformation strategy?

Your strategy should spark a cultural change that challenges the status quo so you can improve the member experience.

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How are you measuring success?

Your success, if you are a learning organization, is easily measured with key performance metrics.

*To learn more about establishing a SSoT, see part 1 of the Performance Improvement Series, "It's Not You, It's Your Data Silos"